If It's good enough for baby Jesus, it's good enough for me. My skin has never looked better. As I age I love the look I get from just a few drops around my eyes. This is a prized and precious oil and is referred to in the Bible many times. This was our first line of defense back in the day. What happened?

From Oral care to Immune system...this is your best friend. The Vitality line can be taken internally when you feel like it's that time of year again. Or maybe you just have sensitive gums and want to try something that works with no chemicals. Looking for brighter teeth? Oh you will love the taste! Works great if you don't like the dentist!
I used to think it was weird when someone told me I should drink lemon everyday. Until I tried it. So many things changed. My skin, my focus, my waistline. Some sleep better as it supports good PH in the body. Great for zits and incredible for your immune system. It cleans, removes stains and smells absolutely amazing. No pulp in this. Straight up rhine and pith! This is where all the nutrients are. This supports SO many body organs. Drink the Vitality Line Lemon in your water or cook with it!
Such a universal oil. From focus to immune system. Taste amazing in water. Enlighten your kids with more water and this oil. Circulation is popular.